The Bridal bouquet is an elegant pave of roses, clean and simple, yet will make a statement.
The roses are available in a variety of colors. Bridesmaids are wrapped in a coordinating color of satin or sheer ribbon.
Bridal Bouquets
- Small $75.00
- Medium $115.00
- Large $155.00
- Small $25.00 each
- Medium $40.00 each
- Large $55.00 each
Matching Corsages
- Small pin-on or wrist $25 each
- Medium pin-on or wrist $30 each
Matching Boutonnierres $12 Each
Matching Centerpieces
- Small and simple $30.00
- Medium and full $65.00
- Large and strikingt $140.00
To determine a budget for your wedding, just check out our Wedding Caculator Or call us at 972-771-1896 for a consultation